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Assistance Group

September 30, 2008    

Az Assistance öntevékeny csoport 2002. október 2-án jött létre a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Karának Angol-Amerikai Intézetében azzal a céllal, hogy megpróbáljanak valami újat hozni az intézet életébe. Az Assistance utódjaként működő Assistance Group jelenleg 12 taggal rendelkezik, akik között minden évfolyam képviselteti magát.

web: “http://sites.google.com/site/assistancegroupszte/”:http://sites.google.com/site/assistancegroupszte/


Erasmus Exchanges

September 30, 2008    

A great opportunity is to go to another university to study for a few months. This can be done within the framework of the ERASMUS exchange agreements of the European Union. The Institute has several links and exchange sites in a number of countries, e.g. Brno in the Czech Republic, Birmingham in England, Oulu and Turku in Finland, Göttingen in Germany, Milano and Verona in Italy, Cracow in Poland, etc.



September 30, 2008    

It may be useful to look into the list of previously defended ma theses. Perhaps you get some idea for yourself to find a thesis topic. You can also borrow these works from the department office. For details check the billboard of the institute! MA theses defended The Students’ Scholarly Circle is a good entrance to the world of science and scholarship. Learn more about it here: “http://www.ieas-szeged.hu/tdk”:http://www.ieas-szeged.hu/tdk


Guides & Regulations

September 30, 2008    

Please, study our student guides which inform you about the structure of the programs as well as about possibilities and obligations at our “document center”:/documents. For those who write their major paper, BA or MA thesis, useful downloads are also listed there. The list and the documents are always the latest ones in effect at the time of download.


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September 29, 2008    

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